Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fave Films: The Secret Garden

This was my absolute favorite movie from about ages 7 to 11 - and it's still in my top ten today! I used to fantasize about getting to wear all those gorgeous costumes, and the garden itself? AH-mazing! This is one of few children's films where I feel like it doesn't dumb down the "adult" emotions to make it more target-audience-friendly. Yes, there is heartbreak, tragedy, and loneliness, but there is also pure, unadulterated joy, and the hope that you can always start over. Of course, it doesn't hurt that my first fictional character crush, the country boy Dickon Sowerby, is portrayed by the absolutely adorable Andrew Knott, who went on to be in the play/film The History Boys. If you haven't seen it, please take an afternoon and allow yourself to be swept away by the sheer beauty of this powerful film.


Friday, January 29, 2010

Sweet Jamz: Clair de Lune

Words cannot describe how much I love this song. To me, it feels like an instrumental deep breath. My favorite version is a solo piano one that is simultaneously relaxing and interesting to listen to. Earlier this week, when I was having a particularly bad day, I decided to kill some time between classes by hanging out in one of the lounges in our student union. Just as I sat down, a guy in the back of the room started playing Clair de Lune, and it immediately turned my whole day around. It's just so classy and elegant, but is also one of the most approachable pieces of classical music I've ever come across. If you want to check it out for yourself, here it is complete with New Wave-y nature photos:


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Little Things: Grass

Now, I am not an outdoor girl. I mean, I'm down with the 1-2 day camping trip, but then it's back to civilization for me. However, this dislike does not extend to grass. I'm talkin' about the lush, springy, cool spring variety; the type that grows just when we think winter will never end. At times like that, when my paleness rivals that of the milk in my cereal bowl, there's not pick-me-up quite like walking on the lovely green stuff in my bare feet. Id probably re-carpet my house with it if I could!


Photo credit to Holga over at weheartit.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Inaugural Post!

Welcome to Positiv-A-Day, where I will attempt to write only about the things that make me happy and things that I love!

This blog was prompted by the fact that since going away for school, I've noticed an increase in the amount of negativity in my life. To remedy that, I decided to create a place where I could declare unabashedly my love for '90s children's movies, dairy products, and pretty pictures, among other things.

So here it is, my daily dose of love and happiness! The lovefest will begin tomorrow, and you won't want to miss it!
